
We believe investors deserve a partner that will provide them with a bespoke investment experience tailored to their needs and objectives

Six Fundamental Financial Planning Considerations

Our six fundamental financial planning considerations are potential barriers investors may face when working toward their goals. We believe that it’s important to evaluate investor sentiment towards each consideration through a succinct questionnaire. This allows us to examine the potential effects of these considerations on an investor’s assets today and in the future.



A customized solution to meet individual objectives starts with YOU. In our Discovery session, we seek to understand the unique goals and objectives that make you, well, you. After all, a financial statement is just a bunch of numbers if we don’t understand the purpose.



Time to do our homework. We put our professional experience to work reviewing your financial blueprint through a lens of your goals and objectives. We stress test for 6 fundamental financial planning considerations. Longevity, Liquidity, Inflation, Market Survivorship, and Taxes. This in-depth review provides a holistic and professional analysis of these key concerns. Whether known or unknown we quantify and demonstrate the impact on your financial future.



A review of observations isn’t complete without a strategic view toward developing solutions for our concerns. There are pros and cons in life. Some assets do one thing well and leave risk or exposure in another area. Our strategic process develops customized solutions to balance your financial blueprint to meet your goals and objectives.



A well-designed plan fails every time when not placed into action. Our education-focused process provides guidance, comfort, and confidence in your chosen path. We provide guidance, focus on relationships, and help implement solutions with confidence ensuring you understand the “Why” behind actions.



Serenity Wealth is in the relationship business. The solutions we discuss might be financial, but behind every financial solution is a goal.  We focus on maintaining a relationship with our community and clients to ensure financial strategies continue to align with your goals and objectives. After all, our goals outlive us. Knowing you have a guide down your path can provide the financial Serenity you Deserve.